Record of bees and wasps (Insecta: Hymenoptera) during the dry season in a floodplain in the South Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Inventory, parasitoid, predators, riparian forest, tropical savannaAbstract
We reported the hymenopteran fauna (except Formicidae) in a floodable area in the South Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The study was conducted in a riparian forest of the Miranda river, located in the Passo do Lontra region, Corumbá. The collection occurred in the dry season of August 2016 using different capture methods. A total of 137 individuals distributed in 18 families, 43 genera, and 64 morphospecies (10 nominal) were collected. The families with the greatest richness were Diapriidae and Ichneumonidae with 11 morphospecies each (17% of the total), followed by Platygastridae and Braconidae with 10 and nine, respectively. Two species were newly recorded for Brazil: Gryonoides pulchellus Dodd, 1920 (Platygastridae) and Losada penai Fritz, 1873 (Crabronidae), plus 22 new records for Mato Grosso do Sul. This study increases about 5.2% of the wasp fauna recorded in Mato Grosso do Sul, as well as for the Pantanal.
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