Occurrence of Eubulus sp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in fruits of Alibertia edulis (Rich.) A. Rich. (Rubiaceae) in the Cerrado of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Bioma Cerrado, Competição interespecífica, Marmelada, Planta medicinalAbstract
The puruí Alibertia edulis (Rich.) A. Rich. (Rubiaceae) is a naturally occurring species in the Cerrado biome in Brazil; its fruits serve as food for the local fauna (birds and mammals) and humans. Here, we report on a beetle feeding on the fruits of A. edulis in the Cerrado of Minas Gerais (MG). Monthly collections were carried out in four A. edulis trees in two areas of Cerradão in the vicinity of the municipality of Monte Carmelo, MG, between September and October 2018. These were a legal reserve area of Fazenda Juliana (ARL; Juliana Farm; 18°42'30 "S and 47°33'05 "W) and an area at the Atalho Community (ACA; 18°41'39 "S and 47°34'49 "W). Fruits with or without attack symptoms were collected from the treetop in the four cardinal directions. A total of 100 fruits (50 from each area) were collected from the trees and packed into plastic bags. The fruits were then transported to the laboratory, stored in plastic containers isolated with voile fabric, and checked daily for the emergence of adult insects. After emergence, the insects were identified. During the evaluation period, 33 beetles emerged in puruí fruits from ARL and 13 from ACA. The species has been identified as Eubulus (Kirsch) sp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). The animals consumed the entire fruit endocarp, leaving it with emergence orifices caused by the adult emergence. It is concluded that Eubulus sp. feeds on the pulp of A. edulis and is able to compete for this resource with other animal species.
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