Exotic fruit as a new resource: first report of social wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae) foraging on noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) in northeast Brazil
Caatinga biome, ; cheese fruit, Epiponini, foraging behavior, marimbondosAbstract
Social wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae) are highly adaptable insects that exploit a wide range of locally and seasonally available resources. This study reports the first observation of social wasps foraging on noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia L.) in Northeast Brazil, specifically in the Caatinga biome. Noni, a pantropical fruit known for its environmental tolerance and nutritional content, including high water and protein levels. Seven species of social wasps were recorded foraging on noni in the rural area of Patos, Paraíba state, Brazil. These species included Polybia ignobilis, Polybia occidentalis, Polybia paulista, Polybia sericea, Brachygastra lechiguana, Protonectarina sylveirae, and Polistes canadensis. Observations revealed that the wasps foraged primarily on the carpel disc of the fruit, engaging in scraping behavior to extract juices and soft tissues. No activity was observed on ripe fruits, likely due to their strong odor. The findings highlight the ecological importance of noni fruits as a resource for social wasps, particularly in arid regions as Caatinga biome where such fruits provide essential nutrients.
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