Checklist of bee species (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila) in the urban areas of Cerrado in Barreiras, Bahia, Brazil


  • Felina Kelly Marques Bulhoes Programa de Pós- Graduação em Zoologia (PPGZoo), Laboratório de Abelhas, UnB, Distrito Federal/Laboratório de Bionomia, Biogeografia e Sistemática de Insetos (BIOSIS), Instituto de Biologia (IBIO), Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, Bahia
  • Franciélli Cristiane Gruchowski Woitowicz Empresa Breyer e Cia Ltda setor de pesquisa e desenvolvimento. União da Vitória, Paraná, Brazil. Laboratório de Bionomia, Biogeografia e Sistemática de Insetos (BIOSIS), IBIO, UFBA, Bahia/Laboratório de Bionomia, Biogeografia e Sistemática de Insetos (BIOSIS), Instituto de Biologia (IBIO), Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, Bahia
  • Ramon Lima Ramos Laboratório de Bionomia, Biogeografia e Sistemática de Insetos (BIOSIS), Instituto de Biologia (IBIO), Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, Bahia
  • Favízia Freitas de Oliveira Laboratório de Bionomia, Biogeografia e Sistemática de Insetos (BIOSIS), Instituto de Biologia (IBIO), Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, Bahia/Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia: Teoria, Aplicações e Valores (PPGEcoTAV, IBIO-UFBA), Salvador, Bahia



ARCAs, Biodiversity, Inventory, Neotropical, Urban fauna


In a global context, few studies have investigated the effects of urbanization on apifauna, as well as the importance of green areas in urban centers for the conservation of local bee fauna. In Brazil, this line of research is still quite recent, with most studies carried out in regions with a predominance of the Atlantic Rainforest phytogeographic domain. For the Brazilian state of Bahia, such research is still scarce and, especially, if we consider the large territorial dimension that this state denotes. In the area that covers the Cerrado, few studies have been carried out that inventory the urban apifauna. In this paper we present a list of bee species recorded in urban areas of the city of Barreiras, Bahia, Brazil, which represent the first apifauna inventory in the Western region of Bahia. Specimens were collected fortnightly from November 2019 to April 2020, using two sampling methods: colored water traps (ARCAs/pantraps) and entomological net, in two remnants of vegetation used as sampling points. A total of 749 specimens were sampled, distributed in four families, 18 tribes, 29 genera, and 45 species. A total of 369 (49.3%) specimens were collected using the entomological net and 380 specimens (50.7%) by using the ARCAs. Our results showed that the area with the highest level of urbanization had bioindicator species of degraded environments, which benefit from urbanization, and despite the urban growth, the fragments found in the matrix can serve as a refuge for bee fauna, as long as they are well planned.


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How to Cite

Bulhoes, F.K.M., Woitowicz, F.C.G., Ramos, R.L. and Oliveira, F.F. de 2021. Checklist of bee species (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila) in the urban areas of Cerrado in Barreiras, Bahia, Brazil. EntomoBrasilis. 14, (Nov. 2021), e978. DOI:



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